arts Articles

Noise under the stage

Noise under the stage

The unique experience of pit musicians The alarm went off, scream ing its high-pitched blares. Elaine got dressed and walked out of her apartment, feeling the morning breeze. She took the empty...

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Music and Quarantine

Music and Quarantine

Creating, recording and listening to music over quarantine The silver stars of First Avenue were illuminated only by city lights as the bright bulbs above were turned out for the night. Little did...

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US Preview from Redhawksonline on Vimeo. US: A Minnehaha Academy Players Original Play The Minnehaha Academy Players' production 'US' captures the issues and emotions of our current lives as told by...

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Theater: The Falcon

Theater: The Falcon

Theater students explore storytelling through both acting and directing in the year’s first production.

Faith v.s. arts?

Faith v.s. arts?

Theater teacher and director Nicholas Freeman rested his chin against his knuckles and gazed across a room of empty...