From underdogs to champions, PWHL Minnesota had a whirlwind of a season As the last buzzer sounded, Minnesota’s gloves and helmets went flying. Only this time, it was for real. Game four of the...
Talon Articles
Timberwolves end dramatic season
This year, the “Let’s go Wolves” chant really meant something A “Let’s go Wolves” chant serenaded Target Center as the final buzzer of the best Timberwolves’ season in the last 20 years rang out. On...
Churches Pushing Assimilation
In 1493, following Columbus’ arrival in the New World, the Doctrine of Discovery changed the scope of European involvement in the Americas for centuries. Signed by Pope Alexander VI, this Doctrine...
Track and field record-breakers
Click the photo below to view a galleryAthletes smash school records! (This story has been updated to include end-of-season records.) It’s...
Are high-school grades accurate?
How grade inflation is affecting the current generation of students In the education system, grades are everything to a student… or are they? They often are used to help others rank your work ethic...
The ins and outs of sports medicine
MA's athletic trainer and strength & conditioning coach support students Minnehaha is home to many exceptional sports teams and hundreds of student-athletes. Behind those teams and athletes are...
College Camps: a Journey of Discovery
Many high school students are finding new ways to impress colleges. Is going to a college camp one of them? Stepping...
Sleep’s Impact on Athletics
Undervalued by many teens, sleep holds the key to better performance Getting roughly 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night is...
Don’t fall for authoritarianism
Taking democracy for granted, young Americans can learn from Soviet era Imagine living in a country where the view to...
Brain games
Online word and number games are fun, but can they actually help your brain? Wordle, Strands, Connections, and The...
TIKTOK: 9-month timer ticking
The most populous country, about 18% of the world’s population, bans TikTok. The second most populated country makes...
Hydration: life’s necessity
Cold or warm, red or blue, tall or short, thin or thick, sippy or straw: it’s up to you! Easily personalized,...
Which is better: online or paper
Do you prefer taking your tests on paper or a screen? Despite your preference, as of this year, the SAT will only be...
ACT, SAT make a comeback
The SAT dates back to the early 1900s while the ACT came into the picture around the late 1950s. Both were created in...
Is the time for turf approaching?
M.A. hopes to install turf & lights at Upper School athletic field Guido Kauls field has been a great...