arts Articles

Noise under the stage

Noise under the stage

The unique experience of pit musicians The alarm went off, scream ing its high-pitched blares. Elaine got dressed and...

Music and Quarantine

Music and Quarantine

Creating, recording and listening to music over quarantine The silver stars of First Avenue were illuminated only by...


US Preview from Redhawksonline on Vimeo. US: A Minnehaha Academy Players Original Play The Minnehaha Academy Players'...

T Time #1:

T Time Episode 1: Mr. Robbins, Mr. Larson, Kayla Williams Watercolor painting and a chat with Téa McLawhorn, new...

Full STEAM ahead

Full STEAM ahead

STEAM education works to place emphasis on the arts as well as science What is a new scientific discovery without a...

Lights, camera, action!

Lights, camera, action!

On Saturday Jan. 28, students, family and faculty gathered together to observe the hard work and talent of Minnehaha...

Individuals seek art

Individuals seek art

Depending on their emotions and mood, individuals may listen to certain music or gravitate towards characters based on...