Selecting a major can be difficult, and students share their opinions and strategies "It's a completely different ballgame here," said Manda TenHoor ('13). TenHoor went into college knowing what she...

Selecting a major can be difficult, and students share their opinions and strategies "It's a completely different ballgame here," said Manda TenHoor ('13). TenHoor went into college knowing what she...
Christians celebrate the transfiguration, crucifiction and resurrection of Christ on Easter Carrying the beam of the cross, covered in blood and wounds, Jesus' physical body can no longer handle...
B.O.L.D. program assessed at midyear How dependable is technology really? Target's recent phishing incident has left people questioning the company itself and the culprit of all the chaos. In the...
From Slovakia to Korea, Minnehaha students celebrate the holidays in unique and diverse ways Whether the snow has fallen on the ground, or the evergreen trees are decorated in shop windows,...
During the November girls ask guys dance, MA students dressed up in costumes to fit the theme: Opposites Attract.
Researchers attempt to produce a "Universal" flu vaccine. The research which began in 2009 has built a strong foundation and brings hope. Early this February news of the flu seemed to appear...
Students and faculty weigh in on myths and realities regarding Advanced Placement classes Zero hours, note cards,...
Walking down the hallway college guidance counselor Richard Harris adorned his own college sweatshirt. Rather than...
Potential health risks result from eating recently popularized "healthy foods" Daily, new foods are made and placed on...
Technological era takes a stance in elementary schools Remember those days of old when cursive was a mandatory thing...
Widespread winter influenza forces Minnehaha students to deal with extreme consequences "Carly was one of the most...
How many people can we thank for our safety in daily life...? Five-year-old Ethan was rescued 4 Feb. 2013 after...
Scientific actions and reactions Minnehaha adopts a new science curriculum, teaching physics as a foundation for other...
The things that make Christmas even more special As Christmas fast approaches many are scrambling to buy Christmas...