Playful adaptation brings Hitchcock classic to classic stage Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher, The Guthrie’s Dial M for Murder is a charming and comedic production of a classic theatrical story. The show...
Guthrie Theater Articles
Journalism day at the Guthrie Theater
On Wednesday, April 26, Minnehaha students junior Tennyson Shultz, first-year Gabi Jankowski, junior James Wilson, and I joined a small group of area school journalism students for a day at...
Review: Hamlet, pointless retread or necessary revival?
Balance between tradition and innovation make this production effective (This review won first place in the annual Journalism Day at the Guthrie, sponsored by Journalism Educators of Minnesota.) “To...
Looking back on “US”
Reflecting on a once in a lifetime opportunity "If the plane hadn't been delayed...that could've been them." With that line, Minnehaha Academy's first full-length student-written play ended and...
US Preview from Redhawksonline on Vimeo. US: A Minnehaha Academy Players Original Play The Minnehaha Academy Players' production 'US' captures the issues and emotions of our current lives as told by...
Guthrie gab
Two Talon staff members, Brigid Kelly and Olivia Dorow Hovland, had the opportunity to travel to the Guthrie Theater as part of an event sponsored by the Minnesota High School Press Association.
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