Gabbi Johnson Articles

January 11

January 11

With windchills of negative 17, students bundled up both outside and side the school. Winter coats were seen all throughout the day, along with blankets and extra sweatshirts. After the bell rang,...

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Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread

Bread, pasta, cake, cookies, are just a few foods gluten free students cannot eat. Food intolerances affect approximately 15 million Americans. Ranging from gluten to dairy to sugar to meat to nuts,...

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Blythe Colvin: Music

Blythe Colvin: Music

After being in a seven week long music program through "She rock she rock," senior Blythe Colvin found herself in a...

Decorating Pumpkins

Decorating Pumpkins

In the spirit of Halloween, Mrs. Cripe's senior advisory brought mini pumpkins to decorate. The room smelled of...

Homecoming traditions

Homecoming traditions

Observing Minnehaha's history through the annual return of alumni, commemeration of seniors and collection of events...