New teachers: Jennifer Tillman, social studies

By Gabbi Johnson

Gabbi Johnson is a senior and writes for The Talon newspaper. She enjoys to dance, read and write. As well as taking dance classes and performing, she also teaches classes for younger students. Her favorite genres to read are fantasy and fiction.

Posted: October 13, 2015

“I’m pleasantly surprised by how many [Minnehaha] students actually do their homework,” said the new social studies teacher Jennifer Tillman.

Transitioning into life at Minnehaha Academy has been enjoyable for Tillman in the first month of school. She feels welcomed and accepted by the staff and students alike.

After attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, she moved to California and taught social studies at a public school. She taught a variety of classes at first, such as geography and cultural studies, but soon found her passion in AP World History and United States history.

Two years ago, Tillman moved back to Minnesota, leaving the pleasant California weather behind. After applying for and receiving the job at Minnehaha, she was thrilled.

“I was excited to take my Christian education and experience and be able to teach history from a Christian perspective,” said Tillman. Growing up in a home with both Catholic and Lutheran faiths, Tillman learned to see both sides of any story, which she applies to teaching history.

Showing different perspectives from historical events is important to her because she knows that each story has two sides. Tillman hopes her students will see the importance as she does.

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