Scott Glenn returns to M.A.

Posted: December 19, 2017

Coaching since college

Glenn, already a coach at M.A., returns full-time in new role

After 18 years of teaching P.E. at Annunciation School in South Minneapolis, Scott Glenn has take a new job as the ice arena and transportation director at Minnehaha.

“At a pretty young age I knew that I wanted to be a gym teacher, which I was for the last 18 years, and I wanted to be a coach,” explained Glenn. “My role model was the P.E. teacher at Minnehaha Academy, Mr. [Wendell] Carlson. He was the longtime basketball coach. So I kind of wanted to be like him. I wanted to be a teacher and I wanted to coach, so that is where I went after high school.”

Scott Glenn’s senior portrait from the 1993 Antler yearbook.

Glenn came to Minnehaha in sixth grade. In high school Glenn played soccer, hockey and baseball. He then went on to graduate from Augsburg College where he played baseball and hockey.

Glenn started his new job in the beginning of July and just after finishing all of the busing for the upcoming year the explosion on Aug. 2 happened.

“Then we had to start over. We had to route just the K-8 kids, get them all on their buses,” said Glenn. “It created a bit of a problem because we were used to having everyone on the same buses. But then two weeks later we had to start up with the high school kids so we had to find different buses for them and kind of went from there.”

Glenn started  coaching at Minnehaha when he was still only a Junior in college. He has coached boys’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ hockey, and is currently the girls’ varsity assistant soccer coach and the varsity baseball head coach.

“Scott is a good coach because he always messes around and makes jokes,” said senior soccer captain, Lily Mullinix. “I always enjoy going to practice because he makes it such a fun environment to work it.”

“My favorite thing about coaching is relationships,” Glenn explained. “I always look forward to having relationships with my players, with the parents. I just always look forward to that. I like to have fun, I like to make it a positive experience for everybody and I think I have done that for the most part. Everybody is so different and everyday is different and I love being a part of that.”

Glenn has lead the boys’ baseball team to back to back state championship titles. His players all agree that they appreciate not only his knowledge for the game but also the fun aspect that he brings to every practice and game.

“He knows what pushes my buttons, and I know what pushes his buttons, and we do it in a fun way but it is kind of out of respect for each other, and caring for each other,”  said varsity girls’ soccer head coach Mark Anderson. “We drive each other crazy but get along just great. I wouldn’t trade him for any other coach.”

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