Interstellar is defined as "occurring or situated between stars," and it is a fitting title for a movie that wholly deals with the concepts of space travel as well as black holes. The thrilling...
Film Articles
Film: In Sync – Prince K
Freshman Kamau Kokayi-Taylor created an original rap in his music video called "In Sync." With Nicki Minaj's "Feeling Myself" beat playing in the back, Kokayi-Taylor makes one of the aesthetically...
Small business, big screen
In the era of Netflix and megaplexes, an independent cinema in Columbia Heights gives audiences a classic moviegoing experience Tom Letness dimmed the lights hanging from the movie theater's...
“Fantasy has become reality” – Star Wars: The Force Awakens
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Amidst the dry hills of the deserts of Tatooine, a series of beeping noises can be heard on the wind. Two metal creations wander through the sand peaks,...
Day 150 Film Assembly
Students from film class introduce the next category of videos. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 83 Dark Room Equipment
Old dark room equipment is cleaned out of storage after the school switches to digital photography. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 59 Thanksgiving Video
Intermediate film classes create the Thanksgiving video for chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Entertainment under the sun
Summer 2013 didn't quite have the blockbusters of recent years, but that's not to discount it. There were some truly...
Hannibal Review
Fresh audience, same villain Past surgeon, current psychologist: new TV series gives viewers a glimpse of Hannibal...
The Meaning of Movies
The significance of movies Senior Anna Scholl expresses her love for movies, and explains that this art form is often...
The rediscovery of a once-forgotten genre
With Django: Unchained newly released on DVD westerns are beginning to return to the film radar Schizophrenic...
Movie review: The Place Beyond the Pines
The Place Beyond the Pines crosses lines successfully Walking out of The Place Beyond the Pines, you'll feel like...
Student film targets bullying
This video was made by Katie Pope and Rita Frenzel in one of the film making classes at Minnehaha Academy to...
CFE China Reflection
15 students and three teachers went to China for 10 days of CFE. This is their reflection of their trip. China from...
Movie review: Evil Dead
Squeamish need not apply First time director reimagines cult classic with copious gore Do blood and gore make you...