Blockbuster season begins with a large quantity of anticipated films It's that time of year again; the time when summer movies come sneaking into theatres one by one with big names, big plots, and...
Anna Scholl Articles

Hannibal Review
Fresh audience, same villain Past surgeon, current psychologist: new TV series gives viewers a glimpse of Hannibal Lectar's past, filled with crime chasing and many twists and turns More than twenty...

The Meaning of Movies
The significance of movies Senior Anna Scholl expresses her love for movies, and explains that this art form is often greatly misunderstood and stereotyped For some, movies are merely a form of...

The rediscovery of a once-forgotten genre
With Django: Unchained newly released on DVD westerns are beginning to return to the film radar Schizophrenic cinematography, conniving dialogue, and a constant fountain of blood pooling from...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Review
A classic look inside the mind of a mental patient Rebellion is often depicted through this archetypal lens: a cabal of young, yet strong-hearted soldiers riot against the tyranny of destructive...

Silver Linings Playbook Review
Finding the Silver Lining Director David O. Russel reveals "peace through insanity" within the romance of two mentally ill lovers as they find each other and themselves despite their own personal...
Games & misfits (review)
Wreck-It-Ralph is stylish, witty & fun It's a film about retro video games mixed with modern-day technology...
Catch a Spielberg classic
Why young movie fans shouldn't think it's safe to go back in the water Jaws is more than entertainment; it's one of...
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (review)
An unexpected journey to an imaginative world In September 1937, Oxford professor J.R.R. Tolkien published his first...
It’s a Wonderful Life (review)
The nostalgia of the 1940s is still present in this classic Christmas tale Put aside, just for a short moment, the...
Psycho Review
"Psycho" sets standards for future thriller movies One of the most recognizable scenes in the history of film occurs...
Top 5 Halloween Movies
Favorite five freaky flicks Consider the scenario: you're having a Halloween party with your friends. After a night of...
The cabin in the woods
Embracing the bloody cliches Horror movies. Slasher flicks. Shock Films. Jump scares. Horror was once a genre that...
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
One president, one ax and lots of gore It appears as if every summer must have a single cross-genre screwball film...
The beginning of a new genre? Josh Trank deserves a golden star for creating a found footage film that, for once,...