Space Station class explores algae growth in microgravity The International Space Station (ISS) class, taught by Joy Reist and Tim Swanson, is currently growing spirulina algae in the science...
Talon Articles
Slovakian student settles in at MA
Júlia Bajusová eager to try new things Júlia Bajusová, a senior, is studying abroad at Minnehaha Academy this year. Bajusovà 's home country is Slovakia, located in Central Europe. She attends...
Zimmer shifts to Upper School
Sacred Studies department adds familiar presence to high-school classrooms Brian Zimmer, the new ninth and tenth grade Bible teacher, is in it for the long haul. "I'm planning on being here for a...
Strength & conditioning coach joins staff
Peterson brings exercise-science expertise to assist athletes If you've been hearing your friends talking about sore muscles and improved athletic performance, chances are they're working out with...
The fate of digital learning
Why Zoom-school should leave with COVID-19 Although online learning has been a good resource throughout the pandemic, it has not been an easy one. Especially now that students are back in the...
The basics of cryptocurrencies
What you need to know to cut through the blockchain hype Cryptocurrencies have been around for over a decade now and have recently made multiple news headlines as Bitcoin and other digital...
Growing crystals in space
Minnehaha ISS team growing crystals to combat kidney stones The 2019-2020 Minnehaha Academy International Space...
Holiday Baking
Local bakers share holiday insights You're rushing in from the chilly weather outdoors and you catch a waft of...
Gymnastics makes its debut as winter sport
Gymnastics makes its debut as a winter sport Senior is Minnehaha'a lone representative in new co-op for girls The...
Hunt for four-peat
The Redhawks come back on the court with high expectaions, consider this headline by the StarTribune, "Is star-studded...
How Minnehaha athletes prepare for games
Minnehaha athlete's game preparation Preparing for a game is a huge part of the sport you play. Some athletes listen...
Explosion report released
NTSB releases report on Minnehaha gas explosion The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued its report Dec....
Talon staff values
Our staff values It is a tradition for newspapers to publish a staff editorial every issue. A staff editorial is an...
Does it make sense to combine sports with school?
A European perspective on the American combination of athletics and academics In many cultures, sports are kept...
International students at MA
Our students from around the world: their journeys and experiences in the United States After a three-hour car ride...