Different moments and events combine across lifetimes to create maturity and knowledge "Perks isn't just one of the best coming of age stories we've seen, but also one of the best all around...
Talon Articles
Reasoning the drop
Consumers are used to fluctuating gas prices and welcome the recent drop but drivers should still be wary of the economy and its constant changing climate Driving down Lake Street on the way to...
Music and lyrics
Musical theory and lyricism reveals why some tunes are memorable and others are not Why is it that our generation is constantly hearing that our music is bad or maybe not even music at all? Why are...
Caffeine versus teens
Stimulants have become prominent in teens with side effects becoming more well known "One time at work, I had about four or five cups of coffee," junior Marin Fredrickson remembered. "By the end of...
Student video is contest finalist
Contest voting ends April 17.
Illegal ways to win
For Minnesota high schools, success in sports can lead to accusations of illegal recruiting of athletes "You have quite a bit of leeway in promoting your school." said Athletic Director Homer...
Gossip’s grip
Recovery from the Burn Book: The addiction to gossip can no longer prevail The halls of the high school are...
Holes in our hearts
When a parent dies, students struggle to cope while friends look for ways to provide support "It felt like getting...
Facing climate change
Scientists agree on climate change, so why doesn't America? "Ninety-seven percent of all climate scientists agree that...
Day 77 girls’ basketball
Senior Nicole Nipper takes a shot against St. Agnes in a double-header game. Photo by Rachel Bartz.
Fact Check: Does “Minnehaha” really mean “laughing waters”?
Does this age old word really mean what we think it does? The question: Does 'Minnehaha' really mean 'laughing...
A Christmas cookie and a “flying” dog, both ready to jump start the holiday spirit
Christmas gifts for Children Family friendly and enjoyable, these children's books make great gifts. With simple...
Physics First
Scientific actions and reactions Minnehaha adopts a new science curriculum, teaching physics as a foundation for other...
Taking Sides on Marriage
Minnesota's proposed marriage amendment sparks heated debates; analysis of votes shows demographic splits There...
Scholastic book fair comes to the Upper School
Helping the library in a creative way Minnehaha Academy Upper School held a book fair Dec. 3 to 7 to raise money for...