Minnehaha has a diverse and unique student body from various ethnic backgrounds. Their families have their own cultures and traditions, and a huge part of their culture is culinary. The food people...
Food Articles
Vanilla or strawberry?
Milkshakes from places around the Twin Cities show promising delights A silky taste of milkshake slides up the straw and trickles into your mouth. The chilled milk and creamy ice cream are an...
Frozen meal review, for the people
What's for lunch, when you're stuck at home and don't know how to cook? Now that we are stranded from eating out and eating the foods we love, we need to find alternatives. With Taher not looking...
Christmas food meets global traditions
Christmas food meets global traditions It is almost Christmas time. Everyone is shopping for gifts, but what people don't do, is ask what their friends do to celebrate Christmas. Some people at...
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