How does a high-school actress play a balding man in a play? With some help from make-up and wardrobe specialists. Go behind the scenes on the set of Big River, Minnehaha's 2012 fall musical. Make a...

How does a high-school actress play a balding man in a play? With some help from make-up and wardrobe specialists. Go behind the scenes on the set of Big River, Minnehaha's 2012 fall musical. Make a...
Day 4 '40s Video, a photo by on Flickr.On Day 4 of the Centennial year: day-by-day, students enjoy a video from the 1940's which was voiced over by Mr. Freeman in assembly on...
Day 2 Back to School Dance, a photo by on Flickr.On Day 2 of the Centennial year: day-by-day, students celebrated the beginning of the year with a Back to School dance on Fri.,...
Day 0 Freshman retreat, a photo by on Flickr.In Day 0 of the Centennial year: day-by-day, freshmen gather in the commons for their first day of high school, a retreat on Wed.,...
Day 1 Cookie Contest, a photo by on Flickr.On Day 1 of the Centennial year: day-by-day, students competed by grade to see who could move an oreo from their head to their mouth the...
Day 0 Freshman retreat, a photo by on Flickr.Day Zero: Before school officially started for 2012-2013, Minnehaha's Centennial year, the freshmen began their high-school career...
A longtime favorite of Northeast Minneapolis and now Target Field is reviewed.
Minnehaha students have to find a balance between their activities.
These days, the financial aid packages offered by colleges can be decisive factors when seniors choose their next destination.
Talon editors comment on pending changes to the school’s dress code.
“This has hurt and cut people deeply,” said the Rev. Dan Bergstrom, Minnehaha’s chaplain, about online conflicts between students. “The problem is more widespread than most of us are aware of.”
Social media websites such as Facebook are part of Americans’ daily lives, but some teens are using these sites to damage others’ lives. This story looks at recent incidents.
New counselor Richard Harris is experiencing his first Minnesota winter … and bringing the school some West Coast warmth.
Caleb Bjorklund not only advises private-school students about their college choices, he also works with young people at a county corrections facility.
A review of the Birchwood Cafe, located near Minnehaha’s north campus in Minneapolis.