Future of transit

Posted: December 15, 2023

How technology is changing transit

As the years go on technology is getting more and more advanced. For example AI has come on the scene very quickly, and also cars have. More and more car companies are creating a hybrid or full on electric car, like tesla. You may think that electric cars can’t handle the minnesota winter, but they do just fine in the winter. According to Wright Hennipen Electric normal cars drop efficiency around 20% however EV cars drop efficiency around 30-40% in the winter time. 

Not everyone uses a car especially if your in college, there is more ways to get around but not great one. Here’s what John Misa 2023 grad at MA studying abround in prague has to say. “ I find that the public transportation in Europe is much more developed and accessible than in the U.S. In Prague theres a ton of options available at a reasonable price which makes it so easy to travel around the city.” 

Misa continues to say, “ I mainly take advantage of the tram system since there’s tram stops all around the city with trams coming every few minutes. I can basically get anywhere in the city within 25 minutes.” 

Misa says there are even more options that work just as good and could be great for a college town. “ Besides the tram, the subway system and busses are easy to navigate too. And if I want to go further outside the city, like in the country side of Prague or into neighboring countries. Misa continues,  I can just take the train which is pretty fast, and can take me pretty much anywhere. All of these options have made it so much easier for me as a college student since it’s all so affordable and accessible.” ultimately Misa just thinks the transportation in minnesota and in the U.S. in a whole should be more accessible and go more places. “Yes there’s the metro transit system in the Twin cities, but i find it very limiting as it doesn’t go to many stops. I’d hope to see some more or better forms of transportation being built in the U.S in the future.”

Now also the idea of school busses turing EV, it could cut cost down on gas and create less waist. Here’s Scott Glenn the MA transportation director has to say.

 “ I spoke to Tyler at Northstar and he gave me some good answers. There is a push in the bus industry to move from diesel to electric or hybrid. Glenn continues, There are also some companies using propane-fueled buses instead of diesel. Northstar has 3 electric buses currently. They got them through grants. Glenn says the busses cost more but will be better over time,  These buses cost more to purchase, but should cost less to operate and maintain.”  Glenn continues saying hybrid and EV busses are stating to become more common.

“ More bus manufacturers are making electric or hybrid buses available, so it looks like there will be more and more in the future.” Glenn continues, “ Due to the costs of diesel fuel, a lot of bus companies are looking into these other options to cut costs.” so with all of this is sounds like all electric is coming in the future and more and more forms of transportation could come to big cities. It’s for the better of the environment and cost for companies and people.



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