Reflecting on a once in a lifetime opportunity "If the plane hadn't been delayed...that could've been them." With that line, Minnehaha Academy's first full-length student-written play ended and...
Looking back on “US”
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Reflecting on a once in a lifetime opportunity "If the plane hadn't been delayed...that could've been them." With that line, Minnehaha Academy's first full-length student-written play ended and...
US Preview from Redhawksonline on Vimeo. US: A Minnehaha Academy Players Original Play The Minnehaha Academy Players' production 'US' captures the issues and emotions of our current lives as told by...
Student written fall play seeks to find meaning of "US" On November 9th, 10th and 11th, Minnehaha Academy Players will be performing a student-written play called "Us." The play will take place at...
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