Cast of spring musical receives 19 honors for student-led production of Junie B. Jones the Musical The Minnehaha Academy Players held its first student directed winter musical, Junie B. Jones the...
Minnehaha Players Articles
Fall play: Our Town (preview)
Minnehaha Players present Our Town this week Performances will be: Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets...
Working the Musical in 360
Seth Retzlaff performs "Joe" in Working the musical 360 video by Téa McLawhorn
Looking back on “US”
Reflecting on a once in a lifetime opportunity "If the plane hadn't been delayed...that could've been them." With that line, Minnehaha Academy's first full-length student-written play ended and...
Much Ado About Nothing: April 20, 21 & 22
Watch the preview: Much Ado About Minnehaha Players from Redhawksonline on Vimeo. The Minnehaha Players present William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing in a black-box production on the Upper...
Pushing boundaries
Minnehaha spring play brings Shakespeare to life through "living paintings" Minnehaha's theater program has never attempted a show concept similar to this year's. "We want to try to push the...
Opening night of “Urinetown”
Tonight is opening night of the Minnehaha Players' production of Urinetown, a musical that uses satire to delve into...
The Miracle Worker
Fall play opens tonight Story by Kenny Kiratli. Photos by Luke Frazier. The Minnehaha Academy Players are set to debut...
Treasure Island opens Thursday
Go behind the scenes with cast members as they prepare for the 2015 spring play The play will be performed at...