Facebook Articles

Facebook psychology

Facebook psychology

How using social media affects your thinking Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg began selling the long-awaited Facebook stock last week on May 18. The value of Facebook has been estimated at nearly...

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New Slovak journalism site

New Slovak journalism site

Heyou! Yes, you. Check out a new site by student journalists in Slovakia... Heyou is a new site created by Alenka Výbohová (pictured) and her colleagues in Bratislava. Výbohová is the...

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Think before you post

Think before you post

“This has hurt and cut people deeply,” said the Rev. Dan Bergstrom, Minnehaha’s chaplain, about online conflicts between students. “The problem is more widespread than most of us are aware of.”

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Use CTRL online

Use CTRL online

As members of a Christian school, we should conduct ourselves in a higher manner online (and everywhere else too); we should constantly be looking out for others feelings and asking ourselves if what we’re doing is right.