A local police officer, judge and teacher discuss how to keep implicit bias from affecting how people treat each other Blink. It takes one third of a second to blink. It takes one third of second to...
Talon Articles
Understanding a crisis
This CFE, 18 students on the Germany/Italy trip had the opportunity to tour Berlin with a newly arrived Syrian refugee who shared his experience around different landmarks around the city of Berlin...
Pushing boundaries
Minnehaha spring play brings Shakespeare to life through "living paintings" Minnehaha's theater program has never attempted a show concept similar to this year's. "We want to try to push the...
Disney live action
Disney brings classic animated movies to life with well known actors It's a scene that many may remember from their childhood: A young girl in a blue dress hurrying through a sea of ball gowns of...
Minnesota-nice…kind of
Passive aggressiveness, often confused with politeness, can be the most ineffective and harmful response to a problem Sarcasm, the silent treatment, blame, avoidance, social exclusion-passive...
Warm Weather Woes
On Feb. 18, Sam Myers ('16) competed in a Nordic ski meet at Wirth Park in Minneapolis. Myers, who now skis for the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, faced bizarre conditions for Nordic skiing: it...
Day 124 Math Notes
Students take a break from note taking during math class. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 121 Verses
Verse cards are received by students and faculty during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 120 Free Hour
A student works on an art project in the campus room during a free hour. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 119 Career Day
Alumnus Rich Limpert introduces career day with a lecture about making decisions. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 118 Graphic Novel
English students read Hamlet in graphic novel form to help understand plot. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 117 AP Studio Art
AP studio art students continue work on their portfolios. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 116 Social Studies Chapel
The social studies teachers performs short skits during their department's chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 115 Ms. Gosselin
Kathleen Gosselin walks around her class, helping her students with the math assignment. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 114 Band Competition
Students wait for their busses after competing in the Minnehaha-hosted band competition. Photo by Maddie Binning.