Today's chapel was titled the 'Arts Chapel' by showcasing different mediums of student artwork, and it focused on the beauty of God-given talents. Junior Sierra Takushi recited an original spoken...
Talon Articles
Lockdown procedure practice enforced
Today, after a comedic assembly from MA's two Slovak students, Matus Kocalka and Adam Hano, principal Jason Wenschlag went over the basic requirements for MA's lockdown drill. Two basic categories...
Grandparents’ day celebrates generations of community and thanksgiving
The clamour of people talking and laughing echoed through the hallways as grandparents met with their students in the campus room to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend during the...
Learning through experiences and memories of the elderly
"Just a few years ago...[my dad] came to my class and talked to my students. That was the first time I'd heard any of those stories [that he told]," remarked history teacher Elizabeth Van Pilsum. "I...
Freeman stars as rock star Buddy Holly for the fourth time running
1955. A short glimpse of a decade of baby boomers, poodle skirts, and the growing popularity of T.V. dinners and rock 'n' roll. At age 19, a young man is discovering his style of music and discovers...
Beautiful – The Carole King Musical
Nervous and shaking slightly, a young teen holds a folder of sheet music to her chest, raising her hand to knock on a plain office door. It opens to the sound of guitar strings, vocal chords,...
Classic Seuss comes to life
Behind the stage of Minnehaha Academy's auditorium, the books of Dr. Seuss are coming to life. Students paint these...
Healing the past by creating anew
From pain to healing, local founder of a youth art organization shows the power of creativity "I heard a really loud...
Teens with jobs
Beyond spending money: Teens with jobs are able to mature as people as they learn important life management skills...
Review: Tristan and Yseult
“Do you love me?” This question is at the center of Tristan and Iseult, on stage at The Guthrie through March 23. Reviewed by Taylor Bye.
Print is in (again)
The printed word remains a popular way to get news, despite what some believe For years doomsday seers have been...
Day 107 Valentine’s Day
A valentine is available in the Talon to be cut out and filled in. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Why do we tell stories?
Sharing human experience Storytelling is an age-old tradition that teaches all of us about ourselves and one another...
Classroom tech 2.0
B.O.L.D. program assessed at midyear How dependable is technology really? Target's recent phishing incident has left...