Vintage analog tech becomes popular with digital-era youth As the needle gently dropped onto the intricately etched surface, her bedroom flooded with waves of sound, transforming the mundane moment...
Anavie Bernick Articles
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Leadership in Sports: Addi Mack
Leadership in Clubs: Inaaya Hinton
Leadership in Education: Dr. Mike DinNardo
Leadership in Education: Johanna Beck
Forceful figures: Nathan Stomberg creates art piece for Lucasfilm
Art teacher brings the Force with him on the Fourth In a galaxy known for rich world-building and boundless imagination, Lucasfilm has captivated audiences with its...
Fall on film
Screen time: educational vs. recreational
How much is too much? Does it even matter? Tick tock, the clock strikes one through twelve, but on TikTok, the clock...
The Land of 10,000 lakes needs clean water
Climate change brings drought, hotter temperatures, and polluted lakes At dawn, early in the morning before the ruckus...
Ap Studio Art Pushes Boundaries
Defining the Undefinable AP studio art is a class designed to make students thrive in art and design. It is a College...
New at North: Blake Mayes
New upper school counselor Blake Mayes is focused on helping students and assisting people with "trying to find their...