Piecing together decades of film classics Minnehaha Academy art teacher and collage artist talks about his most recent commission, which he created in secret....

Piecing together decades of film classics Minnehaha Academy art teacher and collage artist talks about his most recent commission, which he created in secret....
Upper-school students prove they’re fluent in many ways Many students often speak a language other than English when they’re at home with their families. Here is a sample of their language...
Video by Aaron Melling: Coach Lance Johnson and Athletic Director Josh Thurow reminisce about the moments they shared with Chet Holmgren during his high school days. Photos by Greta Christiansen:...
Upper School Trick or Treating On the day of Halloween, students went trick-or-treating throughout the school.
In Greek mythology, there is a story about an inventor and his son who are imprisoned on the island of Crete, within the Labyrinth, which they had helped to build. To escape, Daedalus the father...
Consumers are used to fluctuating gas prices and welcome the recent drop but drivers should still be wary of the economy and its constant changing climate Driving down Lake Street on the way to...
As the baseball team heads into the season they work to build upon their achievements "Last year was a rebuilding...
Minnehaha Alumnus Vera Morbey ('09) discusses the recent outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa with Minnehaha filmmaker...
While public school systems in the Twin Cities have a set of specific conditions which spur the decision to close...
Minnesota's natural resources help provide for us all; now it's time to give back to nature On a hill leading down to...
Sacred Studies teacher reflects on 14 years at M.A. By Elliot Dorow Hovland.
News media consumers are slowly moving from print to mobile because of accessibility, study shows. By Elliot Dorow Hovland.
Boys' hockey team skates to victory Photos and slideshow by Elliot Dorow Hovland.
The unwritten rules surrounding dances at MA are a new obstacle for freshmen When freshman Grace Diersen woke up that...
Minnehaha's tech team, which produces the chapels, assemblies, and ceremonies held in the Orville C. Hognander chapel,...