“The Peddles that Remain” – Deity Sullivan
After all the flower are picked up
And only peddles remain,
Small tears of the feeble children cover the desolate place
Like morning dew.
Furious she was, to her father he went
“Father, why must you cast us into sorrow?
What makes me different than the children who receive flowers?
Why must I live in agony
While the privileged live in happiness?” She says.
“My child, opportunities are given to all that ask.
It is what you do with your opportunities that makes you strong.” He said
” Am I not the strong? Am I not the Beautiful strong?
Who has prevailed through the decisions of the greedy.
No I am strong.
For I have been faced with the tragedies of life
And survived.
That makes me stronger then any of the privileged.” She said
” I am surrounded by poverty, illness, and greed
While the entitled hold their head high.
This is what makes me strong not feeble.”