The gospel choir leads the school in worship with their new director. Photo by Maddie Binning.
daily Articles
Day 90 Disposable Cameras
Students create sparks using a wire and the insides of a disposable camera in science. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 89 CFE Meetings
Groups for the cultural field experience (CFE) in March meet for the second time. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 88 Gerundives
Latin students go over their homework on verbal adjectives called gerundives. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 87 Food Service
Minnehaha's cafeteria welcomes a new food service. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 86 Rehearsal
Participants in the student showcase familiarize themselves with their props. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 47 Rituals
Students act out made up rituals in English class. Photo by Maddie Binning.
46 Open House
Minnehaha hosts an open house for potential students. Photo by Rachel Bartz
Day 45 Puzzle
A puzzle is set out in the library for students to work on during breaks. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 44 Dry Ice
Students observe how dry ice moves over a flat surface in science class. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 43 Hot Dog Eating Contest
Advisor groups have a hot dog eating contest during advisory period. Photo by Rachel Bartz.
Day 40 Projectile Motion
Students bring in the final product for their projectile motion projects. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 39 Free Books
A cart of free books is set up in the library for students to take as they please. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 38 Lunch
Students line up to get lunch at the end of an early release day. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 37 Projects
Students work on projects during physics class. Photo by Maddie Binning.