Gospel choir leader Billy Steele sings with the students during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
chapel Articles
Day 9 Gosselin in Chapel
Math teacher Cathleen Gosselin tells stories as she shares in chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 1 Jelly Bean Challenge
Members of each grade must guess the flavor of Bertie Bott's jelly beans during the first assembly. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 161Praise Band
The praise band leads worship during the last chapel of the year. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 155 Verse Cards
Students choose verse cards from a variety made available by the chapel interns. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 138 Maundy Thursday
The Rev. Dan Bergstrom prepares the table for communion during chapel on Maundy Thursday. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 76 Choirs
The upper school choirs gather on stage to perform Christmas music. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 61 Steve Goold
Former Minnehaha student and drummer Steve Goold performs in chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 43 Matthew Ridenour
Social studies teacher Matthew Ridenour speaks in chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 26 Homecoming Court
The homecoming court is announced through a skit during a special assembly. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 25 Steve Treichler
Pastor Steve Treichler, an MA parent, speaks during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 15 Worship
Mrs. Lutgen's advisory of senior girls lead worship during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 6 Challenges
Representatives from each grade level present challenges to their peers during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 91 New Gospel Choir Director
The gospel choir leads the school in worship with their new director. Photo by Maddie Binning.