A valentine is available in the Talon to be cut out and filled in. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Multimedia Articles
Day 106 Cupcake Bouquet
A student treats her advisory to a specially made cupcake bouquet. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 105 Ration Cards
Ration cards from the time of the Second World War are brought in to be inspected by US History students. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 104 Chapel
A special guest gives a sermon during chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 103 Latin IV
Day 102 The Great Gatsby
English classes take a closer look at The Great Gatsby cover by drawing their own versions of it. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 101 Van De Graaff Generator
Using a Van De Graaff generator, students make their hair stand up in Physics. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 100 Seniors vs. Faculty Basketball Game
Celebrating the 100th day of the 100th year, lower school joins upper school while giving "good vibes" to the senior...
Day 99 Windows
Painted windows remind students of the upcoming dance, Snodaze, on Saturday the 2nd. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 98 Trivia
With a team from each grade and one faculty team, the school competes in trivia centering around the school during...
Day 97 Crazy Hat Day
For day one of spirit week, crazy hats are worn throughout the day. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 96 Final Rehearsal
Participants in the student showcase have a final collective rehearsal before the show the following night. Photo by...
Day 95 Combined Advisory
Two advisories get together to socialize after chapel. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 94 Softball Open Gym
Softball captains lead open gyms in preparation for the spring season. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 93 After Class
Students file up and down the stairs after class. Photo by Maddie Binning.