Warm weather allows for outdoor activities such as lacrosse during advisory. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Multimedia Articles
Day 151 Native Americans throughout history
AP US history classes review the role of Native Americans throughout history. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 150 Funk Tuesday
Students host a music event in the campus room during activity period as part of four prom invitations. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 149 Banners
University banners hang in the senior hallway displaying college choices of the departing students. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 148 Final DBQ
AP US History students write their final document based essays prior to the AP exam. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 147 Senior Barbecue
As seniors decide on their universities, a barbecue is held during lunch to treat them. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 164 Senior Cook Out
On their second to last day, the seniors get to have a cook out on the lawn. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day by Day: April
See all the daily photos from April along with student memories and sound clips. Photos and Video by Maddie Binning....
Day 163 Final Issue of the Talon
Staff members look over the last Talon issue of the year. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 162 Yearbook Signing
Yearbooks are signed in their designated time during extended advisory. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 161 Graduation Practice
The band and choir rehearse for the upcoming graduation ceremony. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 160 Dairy Queen
After finishing their exams, AP students take a trip to Dairy Queen to celebrate. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 159 Ant Traps
Ants invade the classrooms as spring progresses and teachers set up traps. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 158 Chinese Exchange Students
A Chinese exchange student tells about the differences between China and the US. Photo by Maddie Binning.
Day 157 Film Class
Film students use computers to complete class work. Photo by Maddie Binning.