The expectation of choosing a major at a young age "I think it's really, really important when you go into college, whether you're decided on a major or not, to be open to changing your mind," said...
Ann Oakman Articles
Uighur Muslim repression called a ‘genocide’
Chinese re-education camps continue to mistreat Uighur Muslims Since 2017, more than 1 million Uighur Muslims have been detained in what the Chinese government is calling "re-education centers" in...
Behind the scenes: Preparing for a COVID-19 school year
What it took to prepare for in-person learning In the mid summer heat, weeks before school was to start, Principal Michael DiNardo confronted the big question; What's next? With the help of Maker...
Worldwide Wonders
What happens next? What changes will stick? The past eight months have been a whirlwind of chaos and change. COVID-19 stormed the United States in March, causing a shutdown of businesses, schools...
New Student Leadership Institute announced
Program designed to promote selfless, faithful leaders "Everyone is going to have opportunities to lead throughout the rest of their lives," said social studies teacher Collin Quinn. "Life is about...
AP testing changes because of coronavirus
Social distancing orders affected this year's AP exams, switched to at-home testing The College Board altered May 2020 AP exams to conform with COVID-19 stay at home orders. The College Board...
Girls’ lacrosse has a new coach
The girls' lacrosse team has a new coach and is ready to suit up for a season of possibilities The co-op team, made up...
Surviving Christmas with the relatives
Closing in on the holidays spikes stress levels for teens, luckily Counselors have great ways to cope. "We've...